Please note that this payment form is intended for attendees. If you wish to register as an author please visit the following url.

If you are a student within the IEEE Centro Occidente Section (Michoacán, Colima and Costa Grande, Guerrero), Mexico. This payment includes your 2025 IEEE student membership (to be registered on March).

Please proceed to the registration according to the rates (described below), and registering the required data HERE.

The payment methods are listed below.

National Bank transfer

  • Banco: BBVA Bancomer
  • Cliente: IEEE Centro Occidente Section A.C.
  • Número de Cuenta: 0108096589
  • CLABE: 012470001080965892

Paypal Payment

Professional IEEE PES Member Attendee Registration US$200+US$10 paypal charge
Professional IEEE Member Attendee Registration US$230+US$10 paypal charge
Professional Non IEEE Member Attendee Registration US$300+US$10 paypal charge
Student PES Member Attendee Registration US$110+US$10 paypal charge
Student IEEE Member Attendee Registration US$130+US$10 paypal charge
Student Non IEEE Member Attendee Registration US$170+US$10 paypal charge
IEEE Life Member Attendee Registration US$150+US$10 paypal charge