The well renowned international conferences 2024 IEEE PES Generation, Transmission & Distribution Latin America
(GTD-LA24) and the 2024 IEEE Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing (ROPEC24) will be
jointly organized by the IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES) and IEEE Centro Occidente Section (COS),
supported by the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH), the Instituto Tecnológico de
Morelia (ITM), and the Comisión Federal de Electricidad, División Centro Occidente (DCO-CFE) of Mexico. It
will be held on November 11-13, 2024 in Ixtapa, Guerrero, México.

See more details about the conference at:

Main features of the conference:

  • Specialized discussion panels (covering actual topics in Latin America and worldwide)
  • Industrial Exposition
  • Technical papers contributions
  • Special sessions on specific and actual topics
  • Social networking (Gala dinner, coffee breaks, welcome cocktail)
  • Paradisiac conference location, among other amenities


The Organizing Committee of the 2024 IEEE Joint Conference GTD-LA & ROPEC invite students, researchers and practitioners worldwide to submit full papers for consideration to be presented at the conference. The technical committee will assign oral presentations to the accepted papers. All the papers PRESENTED at the conference will be submitted to IEEEXplore for worldwide exposure if they comply with its rules.
Submissions are solicited, but not limited to, in the following areas:

Paper submission:
The paper title, as well as the abstract, have to be in English, and the body of the paper is either English or Spanish, and is limited to 6 pages. It has to be submitted in PDF format using easychair for the reviewing process at:

The mandatory templates to be used in order to submit your contributions can be downloaded from:

VENUE Hotel Ixtapa Azul Convention Center, IXTAPA, MEXICO

July 1, 2024: Full paper submission
July 19, 2024: Full paper submission. EXTENDED
August 19, 2024: Acceptance notification
September 2, 2024: Final paper submission
November 11-13, 2024: 2024 IEEE GT&D-LA / ROPEC Conference